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What Can the Elderly Gain From Occupational Therapy?


Most people lack information about what occupational therapy is. As a result, they may be unaware of just how much this can help them. That’s where we come in!

Here at MIC Homecare Services, we are not only determined to create an impact in the lives of people through our homecare in College Park, Maryland. We also ensure that everyone has access to information that can boost their health and well-being. 

So, what can the elderly gain from occupational therapy, you might ask? 

These are the following: 

  • Overcoming Daily Obstacles

    Many seniors find daily duties tiresome. With this, they are also less likely to engage in other areas of life, leading to feelings of loneliness. In such circumstances, occupational therapists can provide invaluable help by working with patients and teaching them exercise and rehabilitation strategies that make daily routines like personal care, eating, and washing much simpler to undertake.

  • Preventing Falls and Incidents

    The occurrence of falls among older adults is widely known to occupational therapists. To address this, they often educate their patients about fall-prevention techniques, paired with balancing and muscle-building exercises to keep their bodies healthy and active.

  • Memory Rehabilitation

    Occupational therapy also has mental health advantages. For instance, if your elderly parent has Dementia, their therapist will analyze their areas of strength and weakness and then design a care plan that focuses on preserving the strong areas while strengthening the poor ones.

Access all these and more with our homecare services in Maryland!

We also offer a range of other services like skilled nursing care and more. Dial us today!

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