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Hygiene Tips for Bedridden Seniors


Hygiene is an essential part of wellness. People can get infectious diseases everywhere. They are lurking on surfaces or come from people with infections. With effective Home Care Solutions, avoidance is possible.

When people observe cleanliness, they can avoid getting diseases. But what about bedridden people? They will require Homecare Services in Maryland to maintain hygiene.

Caregivers can clean ailing seniors by the following techniques:


  • Start with the cleanest part of the body from top to bottom and clean the private parts with a different washcloth.
  • Pat dry wet areas, especially fold and creases, to avoid irritation and bacterial and fungal infections like rashes and intertrigo.
  • Apply moisturizing lotion to avoid skin dryness, then check for any sores and treat them.
  • Observe proper hand and oral hygiene.
  • Change clothes, towels, bedsheets, pillow covers, and blankets regularly.

Perform full bed bath assistance 2 to 3 times a week but wipe them more frequently to freshen up and stay comfortable. Use disposable masks and gloves to prevent acquiring or spreading infections and do these precautions as part of home health and Skilled Nursing.

Choose MIC Homecare Services as your family’s quality care and assistance provider. We can be your number one source of Homecare in College Park, Maryland.

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