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Author Archives: Louise Savoie


Basic Guidelines in Providing Personal Care to Seniors

Seniors are already experiencing the consequences of aging. This includes health deterioration and mobility decline. These challenges make life a little too challenging for them. This is why they could greatly benefit from homecare services in...

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Tips for Assisting Seniors with Medication Management

It is during a person’s senior years that he/she experiences various health issues. Most of these are the outcomes of unhealthy habits. On the other hand, they could also be a consequence of health deterioration. For whatever reason it may be,...

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How Personal Care Helps Seniors Maintain Confidence

As our senior loved ones age, they face many challenges which affect their poor physical and mental conditions. As their health slowly deteriorates, they lose enthusiasm and become pessimistic, increasing stress. They feel hopeless for being...

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Hygiene Tips for Bedridden Seniors

Hygiene is an essential part of wellness. People can get infectious diseases everywhere. They are lurking on surfaces or come from people with infections. With effective Home Care Solutions, avoidance is possible. When people observe...

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Fall Prevention Strategies to Keep Seniors Safe

Seniors have a huge risk of falling at home because of many factors associated with aging, such as the weakening of the bones, lack of balance, and poor eyesight, among others. As a provider of home care solutions, allow us to share our expert...

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How Home Care Can Help Aging Individuals

Aging is a natural process. It is something that cannot be postponed or prevented. Every single one of us will age. So, if you begin to age, you have nothing to be concerned about. The unfortunate aspect of aging is the consequences it has on your...

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